Thursday, March 5, 2009

Excitement and a Timeline

It is not possible to overstate my excitement. I just got an email from someone (hi Stephanie!) who is also going to Azerbaijan. Aiii! That makes it real. Yay!

Lots of exclamation points!

And lots of organizing to do. Over the years I've been pretty good about getting rid of stuff but now realize just how much stuff I still have. Anyone want a tiny ceramic teapot?

This wouldn't be a Peace Corps blog without a timeline. It's kinda like the '25 Random Things About Me' virus going through Facebook. Here's my application timeline:

During college: think briefly about Peace Corps but dismiss it due to fear
Spring 2006: wonder what to do with my life; see Peace Corps ad on
Summer 2006: ponder the possibility and meet with returned volunteers
Autumn 2006: application and interview
2007: nomination for TEFL in South Pacific; medical and dental clearance; legal hold (due to financial debt)
Most of 2008: deactivation. Consider giving up and switching careers instead. Pay off majority of financial debt.
December 31, 2008: request reactivation.
January 2009: nomination for TEFL in Central Asia/Caucuses
February 2009: invitation to Azerbaijan.
March 2009: dental appointment (dental clearance only good for one year).

This has been a long process and, as such, I've had time to consider many aspects to doing Peace Corps volunteer work at the not-so-young-anymore age of 36. It's certainly an unusual choice and there are consequences but it's exactly what I should be doing right now.

1 comment:

Jessica A. said...

hi! My name is Jessica and I am a also no-so-young 32 year old currently serving in Azerbaijan. Please feel free to contact me at

you are also welcome to read my blog
Silver Lining

take care and enjoy your last months in America