Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Peace Corps criticism

Interesting article written by a former Cameroon country director on the failed promises of the Peace Corps. I agree with him that sending untrained recent college graduates is a poor idea and I applaud PC's recent efforts to heavily recruit retirees. Also I agree with him about the need to measure success. 50 years and no assessment? That's disappointing.

[If the link doesn't work, go to and search for 'Think Again: The Peace Corps' by Robert L. Strauss]


Anonymous said...

The peace corps was meant to create bonds and serve other countries. How could you put an age on experiences. Everyone goes through different challanges and knows how to deal with different sittuations. College students are more capable to adapting to a new environment and are open to other ways of life. How could you measure success on something that is meant to help and is meant for the experience. The older generations are starting to show just how set in your ways you are.

Anonymous said...

"College students are more capable to adapting to a new environment and are open to other ways of life. How could you measure success on something that is meant to help and is meant for the experience. The older generations are starting to show just how set in your ways you are."

Ageism. Don't write that about the 50 year old you fire- they will have a great lawsuit.

I'd much rather see a 50 year old plumber or farmer in a 3rd world village than some Political Science grad from Brown.

Lets face it- these youngsters are using it to pad their resumes so that they can get into a sweet grad program.

Anonymous said...

"Lets face it- these youngsters are using it to pad their resumes so that they can get into a sweet grad program."

also ageism, hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

any youngster who leaves everything they know to spend 2 years working in a third world country to pad their resume deserves to get into a sweet grad program