Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Schedule

Sept 28: Sea-Tac to Philadelphia

Sept 29: Orientation

Sept 30: JFK to Frankfurt

Oct 1: Frankfurt to Baku

Oct 2 - ~Dec 7: Pre-Service Training in Sumqayit, Azerbaijan (winner of the 2006 and 2007 awards for most polluted place on Earth!). I'll live with a host family and get intense language, culture, and job training.

~Dec 8: Swearing In ceremony

~Dec 9, 2009 - Dec 2011: Co-teach English to Azerbaijani children in an as-yet-unidentified village

Monday, August 24, 2009

Leaving September 28th

My flight to Philadelphia has been booked. Whoa. This is really happening!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


It begins!

Staging is September 29 in Philadelphia. We leave the next morning on a bus to JFK where we'll then fly (via Frankfurt?) to Baku.

It would be fantastic to receive mail during Pre-Service Training (PST). I'll be in PST for the months of October and November and during the beginning of December. The Peace Corps peeps recommend, during PST only, flat mail or padded envelopes. Send me larger and/or more 3D items (because you WILL send me packages, riiiiight?) after I get to my site. Here's the PST mailing address:

[My name], PCT
Peace Corps Azerbaijan
PO Box 77
AZ1000, Baku, Azerbaijan

Sounds like there are 61 other people embarking on this crazy adventure with me. I think there are only ~25 people in our Facebook group which means there are ~36 people I haven't 'met' yet! Cool. Plus there are the AZ6s and they've been tremendously patient and kind. (Shout-out to Loki and Amy.)

I know that I have a REALLY BIG mountain in front of me but I'm a decent hiker so I will climb on.


PS - I almost forgot! The crows did not dive-bomb me again but my animal encounters have continued with zest. Mountain goats in the Enchantments, neighborhood cats, raccoons at my bus stop.