Friday, August 29, 2008


I was impressed with Obama's acceptance address at the Democratic National Convention last night. Man, that guy can speechify like nobody's business. He and his wife are rhetorical powerhouses and I mean that with the utmost respect, recognizing the definition of rhetoric as the art of speaking or writing effectively. Just over 2 months until November 4...

'Rhetoric' is more commonly used as a disparaging adjective. With that usage, I have been thinking hard about the Peace Corps' rhetoric of peace and friendship. The Peace Corps is an agency of the United States government and it has made clear that it is supportive of, and aligned with, US foreign policy. This is troubling and something about which I need to think more. Additionally, would I be taking away a job that would otherwise have gone to a citizen? And just because the host country invites the Peace Corps doesn't mean the city/town/village thinks that is the best use of resources and a position that they actually need. I'm not rethinking my desire to go overseas, rather I am pondering the question, "How should I make the best use of my skills?"

Unrelated but adorable, watch this with the sound off:

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