Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Wild

I just finished reading Into the Wild. I remember seeing it in an airport bookstore, years ago, but can't recall why I didn't pick it up. Probably because it didn't sound interesting. "Oh, rich hippie kid eschews privilege and dies due to stupid mistakes? No thanks."

But I picked it as my book club selection because I am interested in learning about people who choose something a little different and how they prepared for and dealt with the challenges, mental and physical (or didn't, in McCandless's case). Also because I realize that Peace Corps is inherently about rich people eschewing privilege for a while, emphasis on the temporary. Hopefully I will not die in the process or, if so, at least not due to a stupid mistake(s).

I recommend the book, if only for Jon Krakauer's chapter about his own youthful, naive Alaskan adventure. I don't symphathize with Chris McCandless but I can see how others would and I definitely see how I could have made both of his final, foolish mistakes. Note to self: a river in Spring is not the same river in Summer and don't eat what you don't know.

The Journey on the Wild Coast blog is the other end of the spectrum: people who could live for months in the wilderness, and did! Check out the photo of the pre-canned salmon. Neat.

Will I be living in 'primitive' conditions this time next year? Probably not and I won't lie and say I'm sad about that. I adore my conveniences but I'm curious to see how I react to conditions that are slightly, or more, less than what I'm used to.

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