Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Me in context

I'm spending about a week at my parent's (parents'? I should know this!) house here in the dry heat of northern California. I didn't realize how much I needed this time - to decompress from the self-imposed stress of my last month at work, to be a couch potato with my dad, to go shopping with my mom, to walk in the suburban neighborhood I grew up in.

Walking in the neighborhood, past homes of childhood friends, triggered some thoughts about where I come from and the path I've taken to this moment. I chose a life that was relatively safe - physically, fiscally, mentally and work-wise - and now I need a challenge, something that strips away the comfortable and forces me to rethink my strengths and face my weaknesses (like a Qualifying Exam...but real). 

It is freakin hard to take a sharp left turn at the age of 36. But I know that I need this. When I imagine not getting on the plane, I get sad. I have to try. Who knows if I'll last the whole 27 months (place yer bets!) but that doesn't bother me. I'm confident I will make the decisions that are best for me. My life is my own - a true luxury and very empowering.  

Next up, an FAQ! Let me know what you want to know!


Melissa Del Duca said...

Jen I think it's really cool that your doing this. I am jealous. I want to do something cool too.

Maulleigh said...

You're not old! My god, you're only 36! Remember how old we thought we were at 30? Sheesh.

You're a goddess and you're totally doing the right thing and you won't regret one second of it I promise you.

Jenni said...

Melissa and Molly: thank you!! It helps to hear that from amazing ladies like yourselves.