Friday, October 9, 2009

I am so gonna get fat

Quick update - my host family is awesome and they feed me really well. Almost too well. Homemade everything: grape leaf dolmas, cabbage leaf dolmas, garlic yogurt sauce, chicken-fresh eggs, preserved cherries in cherry syrup, sweet tea, goat cheese, the list goes on.

My left-handedness is a source of curiosity and amusement. I am fortunate to have a Western toilet at home which is a good transition for me. My Azerbaijani is coming along, slowly but surely. I keep a list of small victories - yesterday it was successfully hailing our bus from the busy highway. I got cheers and high-fives from my clustermates. Yay!

Life is pretty good.


Maulleigh said...

I am so proud and envious of you! I'd love someone to cook fresh stuff for me all the time!

Julie said...

You rock, lady. I just got back from the post office. You can expect some mail!

Eletalk said...

Transportation and restaurants... the two most important seeds of language study when living as a foreigner. :)