Saturday, October 17, 2009

Life is good

I don't have much time to write but here's a quick update - I will be a teacher trainer at a teacher's college. Yay! Next month I'll find out which city I will be posted in. My practicum is at a local university. It's been interesting to observe a different method of instruction than I have practiced and was taught in. The week after next I'll actually get to teach. My goal is to model interactive and student-centered instruction. Also I'd like to give the university lecturers some teaching materials and methods that don't require intensive preparation. All of the lecturers are female and in Azerbaijan females are expected to cook and clean in addition to all of their job duties. Not much different than the U.S., really.

This weekend I will travel to Ujar to visit a real, live PC volunteer. From what I've been told, Ujar is similar to Fresno. Hot, flat, and uninteresting. (Sorry Fresno!)


Maulleigh said...

You're going to teach using shadow puppets?

Yes, women in the states cook and clean because men will spend a ton of money just eating out all the time and will live like slobs. So women kind of have to.

I'm learning that more and more....

Julie said...

Never apologize to Fresno.

Love you Jenni! :)